Some info about me? If feels like I’m filling out a form for a dating website…..which I can PROMISE my wife I am not.
Ok here goes,
I’m originally from Calgary (not a flames fan, but I can say I am if that gets me brownie points) Lived in Grande Prairie for like 3 years (their winters are fun……………NOT (said like Borat))
My wife and I got Married in Vegas (it was planned) and we have one cool kid. I also have two cats (I didn’t want cats, but apparently marriage is a dictatorship when it comes to pets) I also won a contest one time where I got to hang out with Conor McGregor and Ronda Rousey, it was like 5 years ago but I bring it up whenever I can. And one time, not as cool, but I broke a Guinness record and got a certificate and everything. Sadly the record has been broken. It was for the most Ferror Rocher one can eat in a minute. I did six! Anything else you wanna know, just ask. And if I don’t know the answer, I’ll make something up.
E-mail Steve: stephen.ball@pattisonmedia.com